Our Stories Our Recoveries – Joint SA/S-Anon event
On Saturday, November 7, 2020, join us in recovery and fellowship as we hear and share our stories. Please see the flyer below for event details and registration.
Continue reading →On Saturday, November 7, 2020, join us in recovery and fellowship as we hear and share our stories. Please see the flyer below for event details and registration.
Continue reading →On Saturday November 7th, there will be a virtual Meeting Marathon led by SA, S‒Anon/S-Ateen Family Groups of DC, Maryland, and Virginia.
Continue reading →The noon SA Phone Meeting is having a Memorial Day marathon.
Continue reading →The flyer below contains details about registering for the event, as well as the schedule for the day. Please download the flyer for more information.
Continue reading →SA and S-Anon speakers share their experience, strength and hope, with two keynote speakers and three breakout sessions. Suggested donation: $20 at the door (no pre-registration) Includes continental breakfast and lunch. Open to anyone 18 years and older. SA, S-Anon … Continue reading →
This event was cancelled due to COVID-19.
Continue reading →Please join the Doylestown meeting for food, fun, and fellowship in celebration of their 10th Anniversary. Food at 7:00, speaker meeting 7:30-8:30
Continue reading →