After hearing a little bit more about us on the phone message, please leave a message so that someone can return your call. In order to protect anonymity and, at the same time, assist you better, please keep the following in mind:

We have meetings in the greater Philadelphia area. Please check out our Meeting Schedule page to see the specific towns and days/times. We will be glad to give you the specifics of the locations when we speak with you personally.

Our general policy is to protect your anonymity as well as that of the person who returns your call.

Therefore, we will not leave message and/or talk to anyone else except you unless you specify it is okay to do so. If you do not accept calls from blocked numbers, our phone volunteers are under no obligation to return your call.

Please provide your first name only.

Please provide your phone number (including area code) on our answering machine or this form, and let us know the best time to return your call, along with any other specific calling instructions.

Please provide a brief description of how you heard about us and why you are calling.

Our goal is to return calls within 24 hours.

Contact us for Meeting Information
For specific information on where to find a meeting fill the information out below and we call you at the specific time chosen.
Best Day for us to call - Pick One

Best time for us to call - Pick One